Quick Update

Hello everyone, it’s time for another update! Over the last two weeks I’ve developed 25 different monsters that will inhabit the mines and try to make your life collecting metals a little bit more difficult. Each monster has a unique ability ranging from ranged and stunning attacks to teleportation - one monster will even attempt to sing a ‘death song’ to you and if you don’t escape or defeat it in ten turns you die.

For the next couple of weeks I’ll be working on something completely different - the UI. I’ll be attempting to make the UI more beautiful and ‘game-like’ and will hopefully be able to put all the different menus, pages, and notification boxes into the game. The pixel art for the world is almost finished now, so once the UI is done I’ll be going back to world generation and hopefully be ready to give a quick tour of the planet in around a month from today.

Rejected Fauna

Hello, your friendly neighbourhood pixelartist here to share with you some things that won’t be in Settle Gliese. What you’re going to want to do is navigate over to my special Aseprite file where all my little discarded beasties live and…

They needed a place to live you see?

Good design IS as much deciding what to cut out as it is deciding what to keep in. So maybe we’ll learn something here.

It all started with these guys, the slime beasts

I was working on a Settle Gliese’s slimes biome and for the first one went down the traditional JRPG style of slime friend, followed by a strange slimy biped and then one that resembles an anglerfish. Harry, Settle Gliese’s creator and mastermind, took one look and decreed the first two simply too cute. I didn’t have the heart to delete them forever, so here we are (anglerfish Slime Beast on the right passed the ugliness test).

Some things are just not meant to be

Okay I have to admit that these monstrous blobs were more like scratch paper monsters than actual attempts at creatures. That jellybean-shaped moose still annoys me. These ones deserved the chopping block.

The monster in the second row can’t wait to touch you and your weapons (don’t let them, or they’ll rust!)

These on the other hand I love! But showing them to Harry was only a repeat of my first slime friend. “No! Too cute! Maybe take out the eyes.” Well, I suppose we are make a rogue-like here, not a JRPG. So maybe you won’t run into all of these fellows, but perhaps you will run into a few of them and when you think “Ah! Why doesn’t it have eyes!?” you have Harry to thank.


Next time I’ll be sharing some of the moodboard behind Settle Gliese’s look as we are coming to the end of the base tileset that will be present on Gliese.